About Me

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IN, United States
I love the Lord and my big crazy family. My husband and I have been together for 44 years. I am a mother of two grown children and a grandmother to four biological grandchildren and 5 others. Many sites have been sold or did upgrades which messed up back links, if you find a broken link let me know and I will fix it.I have written online articles for Bubblews, Seekyt, TopicSpotter and Triond. You may still find some of my articles on Ehow/Demand Studio.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Baking Sweet Potatoes in the Microwave

Sweet potatoes from our garden
Baking sweet potatoes does not have to be an elaborate process; they can be easily baked in a microwave. Sweet Potatoes are available all year long, taste great, low in calories, high in vitamin A and C and good for you.
According to Worlds Healthiest Foods, “Sweet potatoes contain a wealth of orange-hued carotenoid pigments. In countries throughout Africa, in India and in the Caribbean, sweet potatoes have been shown to be a highly effective way of providing school age children with sizable amounts of their daily vitamin A. In some studies, sweet potatoes have been shown to be a better source of bioavailable beta-carotene than green leafy vegetables. Because sweet potatoes
are available in many countries on a virtual year-round basis, their ability to provide us with a key antioxidant like beta-carotene makes them a standout antioxidant food.”

Things you will need to bake a sweet potato:

  • Sweet potato
  • Butter
  • Salt and Pepper
  • Paper towel 

Instructions to bake a sweet potato in the microwave:

  1. Wash the sweet potato; you do not know who handled it in the store. For us, ours came out of our garden, however, it still needs washed.
  2. Take a paper towel or two and wet it down.
  3. Wrap the sweet potato in the wet paper towel and place the wrapped sweet potato in the microwave.
  4. Our microwave has a button for baking potatoes. Use the 2-potato setting.
  5. After baking the sweet potato, carefully remove it from the microwave and cut it in half.
  6. Spread butter on the sweet potato and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Sweet potatoes are so good and good for you.


Microwaves vary it may take more or less time depending on your microwave and sweet potato.

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