About Me

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IN, United States
I love the Lord and my big crazy family. My husband and I have been together for 44 years. I am a mother of two grown children and a grandmother to four biological grandchildren and 5 others. Many sites have been sold or did upgrades which messed up back links, if you find a broken link let me know and I will fix it.I have written online articles for Bubblews, Seekyt, TopicSpotter and Triond. You may still find some of my articles on Ehow/Demand Studio.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Snowy Day in April

The calendar tells us that April 9, 2016 is spring; however, looking out the window this morning, it looked as if winter had returned in full force.

Not looking at the clock, I am trying to remember, approximately 1 pm or so the sky was blue, the snow had stopped and it looked as if all was OK. I am glad I did not hold my breathe as only a short time later, the snow had started falling hard once again. It did that several times throughout the morning.

By 4 pm the sky was indeed blue, most of the snow melted, even at a mere 30 degrees, and I was outside taking photographs of the lovely spring flowers.

The hyacinths look and smell fantastic, however, the daffodils little heads were drooping from the cold rain, ice/sleet and snow they had endured this week. The still look lovely and I am hoping the sun that is now shining and is to shine tomorrow will perk them up.

April 9th in Northern Indiana has been quite interesting, how is the weather in your neighborhood?