About Me

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IN, United States
I love the Lord and my big crazy family. My husband and I have been together for 44 years. I am a mother of two grown children and a grandmother to four biological grandchildren and 5 others. Many sites have been sold or did upgrades which messed up back links, if you find a broken link let me know and I will fix it.I have written online articles for Bubblews, Seekyt, TopicSpotter and Triond. You may still find some of my articles on Ehow/Demand Studio.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Road Trip to the Lighthouse on Lake Michigan

Afternoon sunset
On Thursday January 24, 2013, I went on a small road trip to the lighthouse on Lake Michigan with my niece. It is less than a one-hour drive, however, the amount of snow on the ground there with the winds coming off Lake Michigan was a huge difference compared to here.
Frozen railing

The beauty of the ice on the pier, the railing, the ice covered light on the end of the southern pier as well as the ice covered lighthouse on the northern pier was a site to see.
Water splashing
It is awesome to see the flowing water as it splashes up against a frozen chunk making it even larger each time it hits and freezes. Also amazing is watching the ice bob up and down when the waves come in. If it had not been for the cold temperatures, I could have sat down and watched that for quite some time. However, the pier being snow and ice covered was not inviting to my butt. It was not the type of weather, where you set on the pier, dangling your legs and put your feet in the water.
Crazy kayaker
Isn't it angelic looking?

One kayaker did not view the cold water in the manner I did, as he was out there paddling his kayak around in the freezing water. At one point he perched himself on a big chuck of ice, at first I thought he was there inviting me to take his picture but then realized he was taking a moment for a photo op of the ice covered lighthouse. He was definitely going to get a different vantage point from all the others we saw that day.

Ice covered Lighthouse.

If you get an opportunity to take a road trip this winter viewing the Icy Lighthouse on the St. Joseph River/Lake Michigan, in St. Joseph Michigan is beautiful.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Cold Indiana Winters

Preparing for winter weather can sometimes be challenging in Indiana. Winter months can be cold or even sub zero, add in western winds and it can make it extremely hard to keep the pipes from freezing.
My advice is to stay prepared for any weather, but especially, severe winter weather.  I do not know how the winter months are in your area, however, the cold temperatures that Indiana has been having is not fun.

  • Of course, the obvious is stock up on canned goods. If you can get things that you can eat without cooking is the best.
  • Purchase cans that have either pull tops or have an old-fashioned can opener like the one I use everyday. If there is no emergency your pantry is stocked up, no harm no foul. You never know when a storm is going to hit whether it be a blizzard, ice storm, frozen water lines or just a storm that sends your electric out.

This week the temperatures in Northern Indiana have dipped below zero and our cold water line to the bathroom did lightly freeze. Therefore having plenty of bottled water on hand was necessary.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Creating a New Normal with Exercise

OK, not only is it a new year, but also new exercise program has been started. With the closing of 
Curves for Women in my town, I joined a gym that has men and women. To me this was a bit intimidating, I don't like to shake my fat in front of women and the thought of doing it front of men was really not in my plans. Well plans change therefore creating a new normal with exercise.

I struggled at first doing the stepper, the elliptical and treadmill for any length of time. I now try to do everyday, if the machines are available, .5 mile on the stepper, 1.5-2 miles on the elliptical series of reps on weight machines followed with 1-1.5 miles on the treadmill. I also try to push myself for faster times and higher inclines.

I am still struggling with my weight as I really baked and ate to much from Thanksgiving thru the New Year. Therefore, it's my motive to reduce the waistline and improve my health in 2013 by creating a new normal with exercise.