Reducing stress in ones life is not an easy thing to do. With rising prices on everything, especially the essential things in life, the money simply does not go as far, which then, creates more stress. Therefore, it is one vicious cycle, however, to avoid an eye stroke or a full stroke it is a necessary thing to do.
For the last 2-years, I have experienced more stress as never before. Unfortunately, my current stress was more than likely caused by a higher than normal blood pressure induced by stress; however, this is just an opinion, as the eye doctor did not know what caused the eye stroke and further tests were ran.
After the eye doctors tests, I was sent to my
local general practitioner and from there to the hospital for tests. After the
Echo test determining my heart to be fine, the carotid arteries in my neck were
scanned for blockage. Again, everything looked OK, and still the confusion of
what caused the eye stroke remained unanswered.
Do not be Anxious
I went to the eye doctor in the middle of May with a clean bill of health, 3 weeks later my left eye started acting up, however, not having any major health issues I thought it was just the he allergies in my eyes flaring up.
After hearing the news about having suffered an eye stroke, which has lead to loss of peripheral vision in my left eye, I was more upset and stressed than ever. Our daughter reminded me about the passage in Philippians.
Philippians 4:6-7; (NIV) “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
What is an Eye Stroke
I could attempt to describe what a stoke to the eye is, however, it was easier to search Bing than to try to remember what the eye doctor and general practitioner had explained to me while I was stressed out.
According to diseasesymptomdiagnosis.com, “An Eye Stroke, is an ischemia of the anterior optic neuropathy, it’s a detrimental state in which the blood supply either becomes reduced or blocked to the membranes of the front position of the optic nerve. If the occlusion occurs as the blood vessel comes forward of the optic nerve and on the retina, it is termed as branch or central retinal artery blockage.”
In my case, the artery to the retina, which provides the blood supply, collapsed, therefore, the loss of peripheral vision in my left eye. Nearly two years later there are days when the vision is worse than other days. The pressure from reading or writing too long creating issues.
Therefore, reduce the stress in your life so you do not suffer the same consequences, an eye stroke or any vision complications is something you do not want to experience first hand. Instead of the prescribed cholesterol medication, which created more issues for me, I take Red Rice Yeast and a low-dose aspirin; however, heed your doctor’s advice.
If you find yourself in a stressful job search out the herb St John Wort. It can be found in stores such as Kmart or Wal-mart, you can purchase it from CVS or Walgreen, online stores like Swanson Vitamins or even through Amazon.
****Originally posted on the Seekyt in 2015 after Tyler sold it to James and then the new cheating owners lost it and my profile in transferring over the site.
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