About Me

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IN, United States
I love the Lord and my big crazy family. My husband and I have been together for 44 years. I am a mother of two grown children and a grandmother to four biological grandchildren and 5 others. Many sites have been sold or did upgrades which messed up back links, if you find a broken link let me know and I will fix it.I have written online articles for Bubblews, Seekyt, TopicSpotter and Triond. You may still find some of my articles on Ehow/Demand Studio.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Oh What a Beautiful Day

OK she is naked :)
Setting outside in KY at my daughter's home it is such a beautiful day. It is 77 degrees, sunshine and a wonderful breeze. My 5 1/2-year old granddaughter was splashing in her pool grandpa allowed me to buy, lawn and garden work is being done by my son-n-law and tonight he will cook a trash can turkey. Yum yum. 

I drove down Wednesday morning for the preschool graduation and here it is Saturday afternoon already and I will head home tomorrow morning. 
Our snail finding walk.

I do not appreciate the long drive but it has been so worth it. I love family time and there simply has not been enough of it.

Read More about trash can turkey on Bubblews