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IN, United States
I love the Lord and my big crazy family. My husband and I have been together for 44 years. I am a mother of two grown children and a grandmother to four biological grandchildren and 5 others. Many sites have been sold or did upgrades which messed up back links, if you find a broken link let me know and I will fix it.I have written online articles for Bubblews, Seekyt, TopicSpotter and Triond. You may still find some of my articles on Ehow/Demand Studio.

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

How to Can Tomato Juice Using Water Bath Method

Do you have tomatoes growing in your garden and are there too many tomatoes to eat fresh?  We do! Therefore, in this bad economy processing and canning tomato juice to enjoy this winter simply makes sense. It is possible to freeze tomato juice, however, if you do not have a deep freezer to hold it canning using the water bath method is the way to go. This is how to can tomato juice using the water bath method.

Supplies needed for canning Tomato Juice using the Water Bath Method:


  • Fresh tomatoes
  • Ricing/milling machine
  • Canning jars, quart or pint jars
  • Appropriate size canning rings/lids
  • Large pot for water bath

Instructions on canning Tomato Juice using the Water Bath Method:


1.  First thing to do is head out to the garden and pick your tomatoes. You want to process them as fresh as possible. If you are not growing them in your garden, buy them from a local farmer or farmers market.

2.   Buy canning lids and rings. Make sure and get the right size appropriate for the jars. Some are wide mouth some are regular.

3.  Wash your tomatoes well. Cook and rice/squish them into tomato juice.

4.  Get out a large pan for your water bath or canning procedure. Heat enough water to cover your jars.

5.   While the water is heating, fill your clean canning jars with fresh hot tomato juice. Do not fill the jars to full. Leave ½ inch to an inch headspace.

6.   Wipe off rim of the jar with a wet paper towel. You want a clean rim to make sure the jar seals.

7.  Rinse or soak in hot water the canning lids.

8.  Put the canning lid on and snug the ring tight.

9.  Put the jars of hot tomato juice into the hot water. This is the water bath. Put the lid on the pan and let it boil for at least 30 minutes. I usually let it boil a bit longer just to make sure there are no germs and I get a good seal.

10. You now have successfully canned tomato juice for the winter months using the water bath method.

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